Introduction: ...Introduction ...Features INTRODUCTION Are you overwhelmed by the number of references you need to keep track of? How much time do you waste filing, retrieving, and refiling your reference information? What happened to that article that you read several months ago (you know you filed it somewhere)? And even when you can find it, the pertinent information must be rearranged in a form appropriate for the task. The whole process of reference management involves recording the information, storing it, searching the system later for the reference, editing it, organizing the crude mass of information into a form suitable for citation in bibliographies or footnotes, and perhaps sorting the reference list alphabetically. You might also want to share your references with colleagues and collaborators over the Internet, or post correctly formatted and HTML-encoded bibliographies on Web pages. Bookends offers a powerful, flexible, and sophisticated means of saving, retrieving, and formatting references for bibliographies or footnotes. It’s a database that allows fast and easy retrieval of reference information—not just where, when, and by whom, but also why and how. You can enter large abstracts and comments. You can search the database for authors, keywords, or any combination of words anywhere in the reference description. Bookends is also a powerful formatter of information. Reference information can be rearranged in virtually any configuration, allowing the creation of bibliographies for papers or articles that can be submitted directly to a journal or magazine. For example: 1. Wilkenson, JD, Henderly, L and Skelton, AH. Trends in Office Computer Training. Journal of Computer Management (March 1982). 34:123-142. or John D. Wilkenson, Louise Henderly & Andrew Harold Skelton. Trends in Office Computer Training. Journ Comp Manag. March 1982. Vol. 34, pp. 123-142. or J.D. Wilkenson, Henderly, L., and Skelton, A.H. “Trends in Office Computer Training.” March 1982. Journal of Computer Management. or Title: Trends in Office Computer Training Authors: Wilkenson, JD, Henderly, L, Skelton, AH Keywords: Training;CAI;Timesharing Systems Notes: Useful review. Reprint on file.   Bookends can read your word processor files (WordPerfect, Microsoft Word (saved as RTF), MacWrite (saved as RTF), WriteNow (saved as RTF), FrameMaker (saved as MIF) and replace in-text reference citations with numbers. …as previously shown {Smith, J. Immunol., 104-109, 1989; Fredricks, Jones, Transmembrane signaling, J. Exp. Med., 453-460; Alberts, Nature}… becomes: …as previously shown (4, 8, 23)… or Author-Date citations …as previously shown (Alberts, 1992; Fredricks and Jones, 1990; Smith et al., 1989)…   Bookends then generates a complete bibliography in any journal style you choose. Bookends offers other features to further simplify your job: linking to your word processor for instant switching back and forth with Bookends, alphabetical listings of authors and keywords, alphabetizing, deletion of duplicate references, and many more options developed specifically for the needs of reference management.   Serve yourself! Publish bibliographies on the World Wide Web, or allow anyone on any platform access your databases via the Internet. In addition to its powerful reference management features, Bookends makes it simple to "publish" reference information on the World Wide Web (or Web). You can: * Format references (bibliographies) in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), suitable for incorporating into a web page. * Allow users to search one or more Bookends databases from a form on your web page and retrieve the formatted results. * Have Bookends return hypertext links to itself before or after the results of a search; clicking on a hypertext link will instruct Bookends to fetch and format the requested information. Example: Bookends can return a list of formatted references, each one of which contains a hypertext link to its own Abstract. Bookends can even return links to graphic images. * Have Bookends return a hypertext link to any URL. If an article is available on the Internet, you can have Bookends return a hypertext link to the article itself Bookends is friendly and flexible. It’s useful to the computer novice and powerful enough to satisfy the requirements of the professional.    Features Bookends offers many features designed to make managing reference information and bibliographies easier: • Easy to use interface. • Apple Guide on-line help. • Database size is limited only by disk space. • Separate fields for author, title, editor, journal, volume, pages, date, publisher, location, keywords, abstract, and notes. • Each field in a reference can contain 30,000 characters. • Generates bibliographies and footnotes to fit the style of almost any journal, book, or other type of publication. Bibliographies can automatically be converted to HTML for publication on the Web. • Automatically “scans” your manuscripts to: - Generate footnotes and bibliographies in any style. - Create a version of the manuscript in which citations conform to the style of the publication — for example: (4, 21, 9), or (Smith et al., 1993; Maurice and Johnson, 1992). You can even design your own custom citation formats that will automatically be inserted into the document (including HTML hypertext links), perfect for footnotes. Citations can be automatically superscripted. - Citations can be entered in a manuscript even when the reference database is not at hand. Bookends provides a one-step “proofreading scan” that works with you to eliminate ambiguous citations. • Scanned RTF files can be “unscanned” (restored to their original form) for re-editing, then scanned again to generate an updated bibliography and final manuscript. • Reads and writes RTF (Microsoft Word, MacWrite, WriteNow), WordPerfect (versions 2.x and 3.x), and FrameMaker (MIF) word processor files, preserving styled text (bold, italic, underline, Greek letters, super- and subscript, etc.). • Automatically “links” to your word processor for seamless integration and insertion of citation entries into your manuscripts (requires System 7). • When entering new references, you can: - Instantly insert authors/editors,keywords/and journals from a list of previously entered entries. - “Peek” at any field from a previously entered reference and instantly insert all or part of it into another reference. • Any file (pictures, text, data, etc.) can be attached to references. You can view PICT and bitmapped (MacPaint-type) graphics and even QuickTime™ movies from within Bookends. Any file can be opened by the application that created it with a few mouse clicks (requires System 7.5 or later). • References can be imported from: - Hundreds of on-line services and CD-ROMs (for on-line services, you use a modem program to capture and save the information, and then Bookends imports the references). - Bookends + has built-in importers for BRS, Compact Cambridge/Medline, Dialog, Knowledge Finder, Medline/Medlars, Silver Platter, STN/Chemical Abstracts, and Illinois Bibliographic Information Services (IBIS). + lets you design your own import templates to fit your specific needs, so you can import references from thousands of on-line sources! + automatically imports from other Bookends databases. + imports references from other sources saved as tab-delimited text (ASCII) files. • References can be searched for and collected by: - Phrases in any field or combination of fields. - Boolean “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT” searches. - Whole or partial words. - Scanning a word processing document. - Unique or relative reference numbers. - Simply checking a button while viewing them. • Search “strategies” may be saved in a pop-up menu, making it a snap to repeat complex searches. • Global Find/Replace function. • Global Change All function (add any words or characters before or after any field in selected references; replace any field in selected references with any words or characters). • Selected references (hits) can be sorted by any three fields. Sort a database (ascending or descending) by any two fields. • A list of hits is automatically displayed, and can instantly be sorted by author, date, or title. • Generates alphabetical listing of the authors, editors, keywords, and journals in a database. Items are automatically added to the Lists as they are entered from the keyboard or imported from on-line sources. • Optional data validation for authors, editors, keywords, and journals as they are entered. Unknown entries can be added to the corresponding List, replaced by an existing item in the List, or edited. • Duplicate references can be detected and automatically or manually removed. • A Journal Glossary makes it easy to enter journal names, and allows automatic substitution of full or abbreviated forms in a bibliography. • Copy formatted references from Bookends to your document as footnotes. • Over 100 different pre-defined bibliography formats are included. • When creating bibliographic formats, the effects of a change can be seen instantly. • Formats can be easily copied from one database to another. • Bibliographies can be: - Printed. - Sent to a word processing program. - Sent to a disk file. • Import RTF files exported from other reference databases (that is, import references with styled text information intact). • Allow Web users to access a Bookends database on your computer and retrieve formatted references. • Allow Web users to enter references into a Bookends database via the Web (with a password protection option). • Automatically launch your Web browser and open a URL associated with a reference. • Not copy protected.